
Showing posts from 2012


Many of us struggle not so much with understanding the message of forgiveness, rather, living in the reality of it. Forgiveness is not easy; at least not when you are the wronged one. However, it is important to live in the habit of forgiving because as sure as day and night, you shall be wronged. Keeping in your heart a bucket full of un-forgiveness will eat at you, and many a times the person who wronged you, whether they are in the knowledge of their offence or not, has moved on. It is you; the wronged one who hasn’t forgiven that suffers. Sorry, a word well known but rarely made use of is one that the proud and those of us with big ego’s know not of, yet it is a word that heals and mends broken hearts, if sincerely used. It neither belittles the user nor gives the other an upper hand in the issue in question; it is merely a healing word. Our inability to accept the reality of forgiveness is a reason we have the practice of confession. We need to confess in order to heal


Somethings are better left unsaid. If I could just emphasize. Completely unsaid. Say for example, the all time offence "gee! have you put on weight?!" That's an all time offense even to the skinniest ladies. If you can't work on getting a more polite statement, and if in any case saying it won't change the situation...use your inside voice and say it to yourself. If you have the gift of the gab and you have the tendency to  put your foot into your mouth... work on being subtle; may take you some time but you'll get there. I got this phrase 'speak with your inside voice' from a friend a while back, and it's become an all time favorite.  I have often been guilty of uttering aloud my inside thoughts and I must say, I have ended up a tad bit embarrassed, having to explain myself, which often doesn't go too well. When we think before we speak, a lot of the emotional damage that happens would reduce, and yes we would often be at better emoti